Anwendungsfach Enterprise Computing
Enterprise computing in the broadest sense refers to the use of information technology of any kind in business. While in the past, the focus was primarily on the introduction and operation of mainframes and servers, today the focus is increasingly on the organizational embedding and use of very different IT systems such as customer relation management systems or decision support systems. Hence, we speak of socio-technical information systems or human-task-technology systems.
Similarly, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) classifies "enterprise computing" as a sub-discipline of "applied computing" with sub-topics such as

- Business/IT Alignment & IT Governance
- Business Process Management (BPM) & Business Rules
- Enterprise Architecture & Enterprise Ontologies
- Enterprise Modeling & Reference Modeling
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems & Interoperability
- IT Architectures, Service-oriented Architectures (SOA), & Event-driven Architecture (EDA)
The focus of the education at the Department of Computer Science is on business process management and the application of IT systems in business, for example with ERP systems.
Transitional Arrangements
The Anwendungsfach Enterprise Computing (EC) replaces the Anwendungsfach Dienstleistungsinformatik (DLI). For transitional arrangements, please contact the study coordinator of the Department of Computer Science.
You will find further informationen on the department website.
Mandatory Modules
An introduction to business informatics as an independent discipline that explains and designs scientifically based socio-technical systems comprising human and machine components (subsystems) in business and society.
Module INF-BSc-AF-EC-108 (mostly identical with INF-BSc-308), Prof. Dr. Christian Janiesch
(currently in the SS, moves to the WS in WS24/25)
Economic, organizational and technical fundamentals of business process management based on the process life cycle: process identification, business process modeling, process survey, process analysis, process improvement, process technology and process monitoring.
Module INF-BSc-AF-EC-124 (identical with INF-BSc-324), Prof. Dr. Christian Janiesch
(currently in the WS, moves to the SS in SS24)
Concepts and techniques for analysis, design, modeling, and implementation of process-oriented software systems.
Module INF-BSc-AF-EC-125 (identical with INF-BSc-325), Prof. Dr. Jakob Rehof
8 credits from the following elective catalog:
- Module INF-BSc-224 Introduction to Machine Learning, Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Müller
- Module INF-BSc-225 Probabilistic Reasoning and Machine Learning, Prof. Dr. Stefan Harmeling
- Module INF-BSc-234 Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, PD Dr. Frank Weichert
- Module INF-BSc-311: Aktuelle Themen der Dienstleistungsinformatik, Prof. Dr. Christian Janiesch
- Module INF-BSc-317: Datenbanken in der Praxis, Prof. Dr. Jens Teubner
- Module INF-BSc-318: Einführung in die Datenvisualisierung (EiDV), PD Dr. Frank Weichert
- Module INF-BSc-319: Grundlagen der Datenwissenschaft , Prof. Dr. Erich Schubert
15 credit points from the following elective catalog of the Department of Business and Economics:
- INF-BSc-AF-DLI-101: Markt und Absatz
- INF-BSc-AF-DLI-108: Rechnungswesen und Finanzen I
- INF-BSc-AF-DLI-109: Rechnungswesen und Finanzen II
- INF-BSc-AF-DLI-110: Wirtschaftstheorie I
- INF-BSc-AF-DLI-111: Wirtschaftstheorie II
- INF-BSc-AF-DLI-112: Produktion und Logistik I
- INF-BSc-AF-DLI-113: Produktion und Logistik II
- INF-BSc-AF-DLI-114: Wirtschaftsinformatik I
- INF-BSc-AF-DLI-115: Wirtschaftsinformatik II
- INF-BSc-AF-DLI-116: Planung, Entscheidung und Wertschöpfung
- INF-BSc-AF-DLI-117: Management, Technologie und Innovation I
- INF-BSc-AF-DLI-117: Management, Technologie und Innovation II
Mandatory courses
Basics of IT management consisting of strategic and operational IT management and provides an introduction to topics such as IT strategy, business-IT alignment, IT governance, IT service management, enterprise architecture management, IT outsourcing, IT project management, and IT maturity management.
Module INF-MSc-AF-DLI-102, Prof. Dr. Christian Janiesch
6 credits from all modules of the specialization area not yet taken as described in the module handbook.
Special aspects of enterprise computing can be found in particular in the following irregularly offered lecture. The respective contents of the lecture will be announced in time via the annotated course catalog.
- Module INF-MSc-330: Selected Topics in Enterprise Computing (AKEC), Prof. Dr. Christian Janiesch
As well as the following modules offered as part of the Research Alliance Ruhr:
- Module INF-MSc-AF-EC-80x: Service Engineering, Prof. Dr. Jens Pöpelbuss (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
- Module INF-MSc-AF-EC-80x: Business & IT Consulting, N.N. (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
- Module INF-MSc-AF-EC-80x: Enterprise Modelling 2, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
- Module INF-MSc-AF-EC-80x: Management of Large Enterprise Systems, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schütte (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
- Module INF-MSc-AF-EC-80x: Web Engineering, Prof. Dr. Stefan Eiker (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
In the seminar, new literature relevant to research will be read and prepared to familiarize students with current current approaches in research in enterprise computing and to prepare them for their final thesis. Topics from past semesters have addressed the following topics:
- AI in Management
- Business Process Management & Process Mining
Introductory literature is usually provided and subsequently searched for by the seminar participants themselves. The contents are prepared and presented in an elaboration and independent presentation.
Module INF-MSc-AF-EC-101, Prof. Dr. Christian Janiesch
15 credit points from the following elective catalog of the Department of Business and Economics: