Two papers accepted at ICIS 2023

After a Corona-induced break, the Chair of Enterprise Computing is represented with two full papers at the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS).
The first paper by Philip Stahmann and Prof. Dr. Christian Janiesch together with colleagues Laura Sophie Gravemeier, Anke Dittmer and Prof. Dr. Oliver Thomas of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is about the design of alarms in the area of industrial manufacturing. The title is "User-Centered Visual Design of Alarms in Manufacturing Dashboards: Insights on Comprehensibility and Preferences."
The second paper, "Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) for Intelligent Process Automation" by Alexander Mayr, Philip Stahmann, Maximilian Nebel, and Prof. Dr. Christian Janiesch, looks at user acceptance in the area of intelligent process automation. Reasons for the lack of acceptance are examined and the aspects trust, transparency and attitude towards the technology are confirmed as the most important decision factors.
ICIS is one of the most important and recognized conferences in the international business information systems community. Consequently, it is rated A in the (still) important vhb ranking JOURQUAL 3.0. The conference takes place in December in Hyderabad, India.