New article in ACM The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems

The article "A Taxonomy and Archetypes of Business Analytics in Smart Manufacturing" has finally been published in the journal ACM The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems. The ACM DATA BASE publishes best practices and research for information systems technology and management.
In the article, Prof. Janiesch and his co-authors Jonas Wanner, Christopher Wissuchek, and Giacomo Welsch develop and evaluate a taxonomy with 8 dimensions and 52 characteristics as well as 6 archetypes (MRO planning, reactive maintenance, offline predictive maintenance, online predictive maintenance, MRO monitoring, & quality management) for business analytics esp. in smart manufacturing based on an extensive literature review.
The article is available at: and as a preprint at
In addition, three articles accepted last year have now also been published:
- "An Architecture Using Payment Channel Networks for Blockchain-based Wi-Fi Sharing" in the journal ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (, as well as.
- "The Effect of Transparency and Trust on Intelligent System Acceptance: Evidence from a User-based Study" ( and
- "A Nascent Design Theory for Explainable Intelligent Systems" in the Joournal Electronic Markets (
These three articles are open access.