DLI becomes EC...

The AF Dienstleistungsinformatik has enjoyed great popularity in the past, but has had a long suffering period in recent years. With the new appointment of the Chair of Enterprise Computing, the Anwendungsfach was also modernized and reorganized as the AF Enterprise Computing.
Enterprise computing in the broadest sense refers to the use of information technology of any kind in business. While in the past, the focus was primarily on the introduction and operation of mainframes and servers, today the focus is increasingly on the organizational embedding and use of very different IT systems such as customer relation management systems or decision support systems. Hence, we speak of socio-technical information systems or human-task-technology systems.
You can find the results of the change process on the page about the Anwendungsfach Enterprise Computing on the pages of this chair and as well on the pages of the faculty. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!
In the Bachelor's degree, the former elective course BIS will become a required course and the course BPM will be newly offered as a required course. EGP becomes MNP. WT1 and W2 will be retired (i.e. WT2 will move to the redesigned elective catalog for now).
In the Master, the final proposals are still pending, but you won't go wrong with ITM and AKEC and the current provisions of the AF DLI for the foreseeable future.