Platform for the Integrated Management of Collaborations in Value Networks (PimKoWe)
Call: "Industrie 4.0 - Collaborations in dynamic value networks (InKoWe)"
Project management: Prof. Dr. Axel Winkelmann, Prof. Dr. Christian Janiesch
Project participants: Signavio GmbH, Actiware GmbH, infosim GmbH & Co. KG, APE Engineering GmbH, Mault-Theet GmbH, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Project start : 01.10.2018
Project end: 30.09.2021
Funding volume: 2,400,000 Euro
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
The project builds on blockchain technology. By permanently storing data and using encryption methods in automated contracts, the blockchain enables seamless tracking of transactions between participants. After identifying requirements of user companies, special data structures are designed and interfaces are developed to enable inter-company data exchange. In order to always use the latest operational data, methods for continuous and timely data collection and analysis are used. The data obtained will be stored in corresponding records on the blockchain and will serve as the basis for inter-company transactions. In addition, consensus mechanisms are developed to map individual steps of the transactions. This automated processing of contractual agreements promotes the quality and productivity of inter-company collaboration. By mapping the transaction processes on several independent computers in the database, any attempts at manipulation are prevented.