Two articles accepted at BPM 2024

The Chair of Enterprise Computing is represented at this year's 22nd International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM). Two papers have been accepted for publication.
The first paper "Categories of Business Value of Robotic Process Automation: A Study of Benefits and Challenges" by Maximilian Vitzethum, Alexander Mayr and Christian Janiesch elaborates broad categories of business value of RPA based on a literature and interview study. We summarize them as: economics, gains, quality, people, and transformation. The paper was accepted for the (research) main track.
In the second paper by Lukas Laakmann, Seyyid A. Ciftci and Christian Janiesch, the authors develop a taxonomy of Intelligent robotic process automation as a cross-section of RPA and machine learning characteristics and apply it to the current market of RPA tools. The paper is titled "A Nascent Taxonomy of Machine Learning in Intelligent Robotic Process Automation" and has been accepted for the BPM Forum.
BPM is the most important and recognized conference in the international process management community. Consequently, it is rated A in the (I)CORE ranking. The conference takes place in September in Krakow.
The underlying data sets for both papers can be found on B2SHARE.