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Department of Computer Science

Students meet viadee

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  • Newskategorie 1
Logo Viadee Unternehmensberatung © Viadee Unternehmensberatung AG

The event series in Dortmund enters the next round: "Students meet viadee" on July 16, 2024

Do you want to find out first-hand what it's like to bring modern web applications to the cloud, find new uses for ChatGPT and automate processes with low code?

Then get to know viadee Unternehmensberatung AG better on July 16, 2024 in Dortmund!

Some viadee consultants will talk about various topics from their day-to-day project work.

There will also be pizza for everyone and an "Ask-me-Anything" session to round things off.

Simply send your registration by July 8 by email to ute.rassowviadeede


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