New BMBF project on process patterns for data trust models (proDTM)

Data trust models (DTMs) offer immense opportunities for data-driven innovation, but face numerous socio-technical and technological challenges. To address these, process patterns must be developed to govern data access and use. These patterns should consider aspects such as neutrality, transparency, autonomy, and governance, and harmonize the goals of all stakeholders involved. The goal is to promote the acceptance of DTM in the private, public, and civil spheres and to maximize the potential for value creation. Process patterns should be selectable based on specific attributes, configurable and adaptable to different scenarios. In addition to the development of these patterns, the allocation of resources and the definition of configuration points are also important. A prototype implementation will help to evaluate and iteratively improve the patterns. Particular attention will be paid to establishing realistic, specific, and measurable evaluation criteria to ensure that the process patterns match practical requirements.
In the call "Erforschung oder Entwicklung praxisrelevanter Lösungsaspekte ("Bausteine") für Datentreuhandmodelle", the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) is funding the project Prozessmuster für neutrale Datentreuhandmodelle (proDTM)" (engl. process patterns for neutral data trust models) of TU Dortmund University, the Fraunhofer-Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik ISST, and Actiware Development GmbH with approximately 500,000 euros until the end of 2025.
More about the project can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact Seyyid Ciftci, who will supervise the project.