Electronic Markets Triple

Two new articles by the Chair of Enterprise Computing are forthcoming in the journal Electronic Markets (CORE: A, VHB: B).
In the article "The Effect of Transparency and Trust on Intelligent System Acceptance: Evidence from a User-based Study" with co-authors Lukas-Valentin Herm, Kai Heinrich and Jonas Wanner, the authors shed light on the direct and indirect effects of transparency and trust in intelligent systems. The paper establishes a theoretical model explaining user acceptance. The results show that acceptance is primarily performance-driven. However, transparency plays an important role in regulating trust and perceptions of performance. The article is available as open access at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-022-00593-5
In the article "A Nascent Design Theory for Explainable Intelligent Systems," with co-authors Lukas-Valentin Herm, Theresa Steinbach, and Jonas Wanner, the authors establish a design theory for explainable intelligent systems . The constituent design principles focus on global explainability, local explainability, personalized interface design, and psychological and emotional factors. The results were evaluated in a research project on predictive maintenance. The article is also available as open access at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-022-00606-3.
Furthermore, Prof. Janiesch has been appointed to the editorial board of the journal Electronic Markets.