D-AI-Y as a guest at the kick-off of the DaWeNa-HUB in Munich

As one of ten projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the call "Development of new digital services for data-oriented value creation (DigiLeistDAT)", we were invited to Munich.
We first held a consortium meeting with the partners of the D-AI-Y project on Tuesday, June 25. The Institute for Social Science Research (ISF) Munich kindly accepted us as guests.
During the consortium meeting, the university partners and practice partners worked together in workshops on the design of business models based on AI-as-a-Service solutions that could enrich future business operations.
On Wednesday, all ten funded research projects came together at the DaWeNa-HUB kick-off event to present their respective project plans in pitches, get to know each other personally and discover commonalities. There was also an exciting fishbowl discussion, workshops and a meal together.
We would like to thank our project consortium for their active participation. Special thanks also go to the ISF Munich and the DaWeNa-HUB for organizing the meeting.